
Some Updates

In May, I saw a new oncologist. I liked her. This was in the middle of the Ascension data breech debacle, so there was little to be done as far as my medical records and history. I explained that I didn’t think I would be doing chemotherapy treatment, and she offered me some suggestions about monitoring my progress through the hospital system and emphasized that I didn’t need to choose her for my treatment as long as I was getting the care I needed from someone.

I had made the appointment with a local holistic healing center around the same time, and the soonest appointment they had was July 30th. I had hoped to be called in earlier if there were any cancellations, but I wasn’t.

Monday the 29th, I went to the eye doctor and ordered my first pair of progressive lenses. Hi, I’m old. And progressive lenses are far more expensive than single focus.

Tuesday, I had the appointment I’d been waiting for. I’d pinned a lot of hope on that appointment, but there have been several appointments I’ve had on my journey that ended up disappointing. I was trying to keep my hope in check just in case this would be another disappointment. It wasn’t.

Wednesday, I saw my new holistic dentist for treatment planning and a cleaning. I have six teeth needing treatment and three wisdom teeth needing extraction. At least they offered me a payment plan.

I’ve known for months that pursuing treatment with a facility outside the mainstream medical system was going to be expensive. I’ve spent the last few months working on refocusing my business and trying to build a steady and sustainable independent income. It didn’t work out that way.

Sunday and Monday, it finally hit me that I was the main reason for my family’s sinking financial ship, and I needed to plug the holes and start bailing us out for real. I’ve casually looked for jobs over the last few years as I tried to build my coaching and speaking business, but just enough work would come in that I never pulled the trigger and applied.

Until Wednesday afternoon after I got home from the dentist and submitted two applications.

The places where I chose to apply were environments where people are getting healthy. I figured if I have to work for someone else for awhile, I wanted to work in an environment that supports health and wellness.

Within 10 days, I had an offer. I start on September 3rd.

I’ve been fighting to make this business of mine work for over three years. I’ve had some successes and some setbacks. I’m seeing some new momentum with the emceeing work, but like so much of the entrepreneurship journey, it’s not translating into revenue as quickly as I need it to.

I’m grieving the vision that I had for my business as I go through this professional transition. It feels heavy. Like defeat.

I’m not giving up my business. It’s just going to have to change for a little while so I can focus on the treatment ahead. It will be messy. And I'm hoping that it will help me to focus and grow.


At my appointment with the holistic practitioner, I finally felt like I didn't have to fumble around alone in the dark anymore. Trying to figure out the best way to treat myself without all the information or the experience to know which information to apply to my situation has been exhausting. She helped to reveal some of the many underlying reasons why I got a cancer diagnosis and offered a way to heal it all.

My care plan includes supplements, emotional release, forgiveness, light and vibrational therapies, ozone and several other things I’ve never heard of before. It involves 5-6 hours at the health and wellness center two times each week. It is not covered by insurance.

What I learned from that appointment was that my body is overwhelmed. It’s not just Hodgkins, it’s also Lyme, other co-infections related to Lyme, parasites, fungus, candida and heavy metals. I thought I was a healthy person. I'm looking forward to how real health feels.

I was told that diet and supplements are not going to be enough to heal me. I already knew that, which is why I sought out this practitioner. She’s seen all this stuff before, and she has helped people heal from it.

Meanwhile, I had a CT scan last week, the first scan since February when they staged me.

I’m confident that I’ve already done a lot of good for my body since my diagnosis and that first scan. Though I still feel nervous about the results.

I feel nervous about the new job. Part of me is still afraid that it won't be enough. I feel nervous about my business, with so much about to change. And scared of losing all the momentum I've built over the last few years.

I'm still working through a lot of emotions. The healing process continues.

Curious about the specific treatments?

To support me on my healing journey, visit for a list of practical ways to help. To make a financial donation, click the button below.

