
Many of you have asked how I found out that I had Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. What prompted me to get the tests that I did and how did that all go?

Swollen Lymph Node

In July of 2022, I noticed a small lump near my collar bone. I was aware of it for a few weeks or months, and when it didn’t go away, I went in to see a doctor and have it checked. He said it might be from the cold I’d had, so come back in 4-6 weeks if it didn’t go away.

A few weeks later, I went back in and had some blood work done, followed by an ultrasound on the area. Everything came back normal, and the node was stated to be “consistent with acute infection.” In other words, the lymphatic system doing its job to clear illness from the body.

At that time, around October-November, the doctor recommended I get a biopsy done to rule out cancer.

Knowing how invasive biopsies can be, I opted not to move forward with that test at that time. Instead, I received some alternative support through acupuncture, craniosacral therapy and Chinese medicine. My body went through several months of illness and detox and by the spring/summer of 2023, I felt healthier than I had in several years!

I all but forgot about the lymph node until December, when I noticed that the lump near my collarbone was still there.

A Closer Look

Something in my intuition told me it was time to take a closer look, so I consulted a lymphatic specialist in my network (thank you, Amy!), and she recommended that I move forward with the biopsy tissue testing to see exactly what was going on.

I began to realize that something was not right in my body, but my body was doing it’s perfect job of protecting me from whatever wasn’t right. We are fearfully and wonderfully made! I was nervous about getting potential “bad news,” but I moved forward with the testing.

I got an ultrasound on January 17, 2023 followed by a biopsy a week later on January 25th.

The biopsy was horrible, and I don’t want to have to do that again if I can avoid it. I haven’t experienced much in my life that I would consider traumatic. This was.

The Call

On Monday, January 29, 2024 at around 8:30 in the morning, the doctor called to share that the results of the biopsy came back indicating Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.

Daniel was home sick from school that day, and his hugs and snuggles got me through. That kid is something special. I did our taxes and a little bit of research. I cried. I texted my husband, talked with him and my parents, and thought about what this would all mean for us. For me.

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