The Coaching Thing

Over the last year, I’ve been deeply reflecting on what I want my life to look like. I’m extremely grateful for the opportunity that this historical year has given me to do this. I got into postpartum work because I love supporting moms and babies. And toddlers and spouses. And for four years, I was able to build momentum in a business doing this thing that I love.

And as our world changed, I realized that I would need to change also.

And change will always find us. Whether it’s in the form of something as momentous as the year we’ve all been living through or with tiny shifts we hardly notice along the way to total metamorphosis. Change is life and death and everything in between. It’s one of the few things on which we can depend.

So I thought about how I wanted to change. How I might continue to serve and connect with parents and families without always occupying the same physical space. And so I came to try on the idea of becoming a coach.

I’ve been considering taking this step for well over a year, during which time I’ve also been coached, myself. The transformation and personal growth that I have experienced as a direct result has expanded my world in ways I never could have imagined. It’s powerful stuff. Though not entirely tangible or easy to define. I started considering offering this kind of cultivation of self to other people and began to realize that I actually possessed enough skill and talent to be able to do it. But not necessarily in the role of a postpartum doula.

When I’m with families as a doula, I must very gently navigate the minefield of the Postpartum Experience. After birth, people are tender and raw physically, mentally and emotionally. They are already in the thick of profound transformation. A profound transformative experience that they may or may not have invited or expected. I can walk with them, hold space, and help to bridge that gap between who they were and who they are becoming. It’s a many-layered and beautiful experience, and I am very blessed to be able to witness and support such a thing, yet there is only so much guidance I can truly provide during that time. As a coach, I step in when someone is actively looking to profoundly transform themselves from within, and that invites entirely new challenges and opportunities for even bigger emotional, mental and spiritual impact.

With the last year finding so many of us alone with ourselves in one way or another, some of us are ripe for tapping into these new levels of awareness and power within. Having done much of this kind of work myself over the last several years, I know the effect it can have on every aspect of our lives. We are each more powerful than we realize, and I’m so excited that I get to help facilitate the creation of more purposeful living in my newest clients as a coach.

The coaching experience is intense and thrilling and exponentially transformative. With the right coach, of course. And just as I’m not the right doula for everyone, I know I won’t be everyone’s perfect coach. My approach is intuitive and energetic. I focus on communication and deep self reflection. I don’t offer a lot of exercises or worksheets. I still love connecting with the hearts of parents and those who want to show up more intentionally in their own home lives. I also love helping people find their “thing” in their professional pursuits. So, if you’re curious about my “niche,” that’s as close as I’ve narrowed it down so far.

I would love to stop trying to “tell” folks about coaching and show more of what it’s really like. So if you think you’re ready to explore your purpose and expand your power, I’m ready to have a conversation with you. No selling, no commitment to me, just a real, honest, connected conversation. If that sounds awesome, let’s talk. You might be the next person I’m inspired to serve.

I do still love serving postpartum families. And I have been incredibly grateful to be invited into a handful of homes even during times of such caution. In a way, coaching is just a different kind of doula work. So I’m totally here for both. Connection is extremely important these days. And connecting with ourselves is, dare I say, even more essential now than ever.

Connecting with Confidence

Hindsight of 2020