Connecting with Confidence

What’s your superpower? What are you struggling with right now? Let’s talk about it.

Last weekend, I finally opened up a Facebook group that I had actually created about a year ago. It sat there since early 2020, empty except for me. I knew that it might be a good way to connect with people, former clients, potential clients, maybe some local families, and of course some friends. But I didn’t have a clear message or intention. I was already part of a few local parenting groups, groups that held in-person gatherings and also provided an online space for venting, advice and resources. Those groups are amazing, and incredibly important, especially for new parents. And I didn’t want to add another similar parenting group to the noise of what can often be an overwhelming social newsfeed.

So I forgot about it. For like, a whole year. And what a year, right?!

Well, now it’s about time to get on with life. There’s no “pandemic life,” because it’s no longer temporary. It’s here to stay. We need to get out of the holding pattern and get on with creating the life that we want. In the midst of and in spite of whatever may be happening around us. Right here, right now, this IS life.

And because of how the last year has hit so many of us, I started to learn that most of us want more out of life than mere survival. And some of us are even willing to do things we’ve never done in order to achieve something we have never dared to dream was possible. And what’s really essential in all this inner work of activating our full human potential is, of course, connection.

Now, I can’t go out and physically give all of you a big, calming hug. So I had to ask myself how I could offer a proper hug without the ability to occupy the same space as someone who needs one. I had started actively seeking out and engaging with some inspiring groups on Facebook, and I was getting a lot of great information and support out of it. What if I could create a group that helped and supported people on their journey to a more powerful self? I mean, helping people take control of their lives was the whole reason I shifted to offer coaching services, why not give generously and unconditionally in a way that both serves more people and provides me with new opportunities to learn and grow through practice?

As a bonus, the group I’m creating and connecting with on Facebook is intentionally designed to resist everything negative that social media has come to represent. For a long time, I thought that the solution to my social media addiction was to set and stick to limits. And over the last few weeks, I began to wonder if maybe it wasn’t the app or webpage itself that was the problem, rather it was how I was using it. When I’m actively connecting with the real person on the other side of that status, comment or photo, I’m not just another blip on the feed. I’m an active participant in someone else’s life.

There are so many tools now that can connect us over any distance. The technology is intimidating. But there’s nothing I can’t learn with the right information and support. So I opened up my Facebook group. Because I’m so curious who sees what I’m doing, if my message is clear or confusing, if I can help someone who needs to hear exactly what I have to say in the way that I say it. And even though it’s only been a few days, I can already tell that this is a space that is needed and appreciated.

So if you’re looking for a circle of support for whatever you’re going through, if you’re wondering how you can more effectively use those superpowers you KNOW are dormant within you, and if you’ve followed and observed without interacting much yet, PLEASE join this group. I call it “Connecting with Confidence” for two reasons: 1. For people to connect with their own inner power and BE a more confident person from within and 2. for people to connect more confidently with each other in order to love and serve on a higher level.

If this resonates with you, please join us. I’m offering free coaching, live video tidbits, group Zoom calls, free coloring and journal pages and whatever else I come up with as I see a need. I can’t wait to meet you! Just click the button below to jump in.

Dress Person

The Coaching Thing