Some Like it Hot

When you pay over $7 for a warm beverage and they give it to you on ice, what do you do?

In the past, I would have most likely taken my cup back to my table to quietly sip my cold beverage because the coffee shop was already packed, the baristas were busy and I hate to make a fuss.

"You get what you get and you don't throw a fit," I heard in my head.

I had come into the place to meet a client, and I had originally planned to order a simple (cheap) tea. Until I saw something that piqued my interest on the "seasonal menu."

As I waited my turn in line, I pondered whether I would like my fancy seasonal beverage hot or cold. It was a hot day outside, but I knew we were going to be sitting in the air-conditioned inside. From the menu description, it sounded like it would just taste better hot, too. I decided on hot and ordered accordingly.

When I received my iced drink, I walked halfway back to my table before I turned around.

I returned to the counter and politely shared that I ordered my drink hot. The cashier claimed that the temperature of my order was unspecified, I assured them that I said hot, and they remade my drink.

And is it just me, or do most places ask when they don't hear you specify the temperature of a drink that comes either temperature? 

I wasn't rude. I wasn't upset. I was happy to wait a few extra minutes to get what I had ordered, paid for and really, really wanted. Even though I also didn't want to be a pain.

I'm at the point in my life where I'm choosing to advocate for myself as much as I advocate for others. I'm choosing to love myself first so that I can love others better.

I don't often indulge in fancy cafe beverages. When I do, it's a treat, and I'm learning that I am worth the effort it takes to get what I really, really want.

And my hot "chaggaccino" was delicious!

How are you showing up for yourself today?

New Position

What's Stopping You?