It’s been a minute since I’ve created the time to write out an update. Today is my birthday and the winter solstice, so I’m taking the opportunity to do some reflecting.
In October, I went in for an updated assessment with my holistic practitioner. We went over everything from the previous few months, and she told me she noticed right away that my energy was at a very different level than the first time she saw me.
I have had more energy and focus since starting my treatments, and the evaluation that day confirmed that my inflammation was way down. Things are progressing well with my overall health.
At the end of the appointment, she told me that she was impressed with my progress.
The things I’m doing are making a difference.
Since starting to receive regular chiropractic adjustments in mid-September, my energy has continued to skyrocket even more. In combination with having two wisdom teeth removed, one of which had an old toxic mercury amalgam filling, I have noticed improvement in my focus and my overall sense of well being.
Working a full-time job has been a blessing. It’s relieved a significant amount of stress on our family resources, even though it has taken me away from home more than I’d like. The boys are growing in their maturity and independence, and I appreciate the opportunity for me to step back so that they can step up.
I love working at Connect Chiropractic. The team is amazing, and I really feel like I’m making a difference and helping people transform their lives and improve their health. That was really important to me when looking for a full-time job.
The other day, I asked my oldest to do the dishes, and he said, “Why should I do the dishes, I worked all week!” My response was to laugh and remind him that I work three jobs and still have to do the dishes most days.
I’m working with my amazing friend Wendy in her business, WHEN Stories, as the Director of Operations and Chief Editor. That has been so exciting to be part of, and I can’t wait for the next event in March. I’m currently working on editing the first anthology, and it has felt really incredible to return to some of my English major and creative writing roots in that role.
I’m also continuing to pursue emceeing work and related opportunities in that space. My plan is to expand into voiceover work and improve my skills there in 2025.
On a more introspective note, I wanted to share some deep appreciation for everyone who has connected with me, prayed for me and encouraged me throughout the year. I am fully aware that most people forget that I am navigating life with cancer because I’m healing in a way that deviates from the way people normally “fight” this kind of thing. Cancer is always a passenger on my trains of thought. Sometimes it sits quietly—to the point that even I almost forget it’s there. Other times, it takes advantage of those times when I feel emotionally tumultuous and becomes the loudest voice in the din.
There are self-supportive and healing strategies that I know I should be doing daily, and I’m trying not to beat myself up too much for only doing what I can do in any given moment. I’m continuing to make healthy food choices, I’m showing up to my appointments, getting adjusted, journaling when I can and speaking up when I feel like I need something I’m not getting. I’m working on forgiving myself and others.
As we wrap up another year, and I begin my 47th trip around the sun, I have deep gratitude for 2024. There were some really, really hard moments, starting with my diagnosis. There were also some amazing blessings, miracles and opportunities. The beauty in both astounds me. I feel enriched. I feel grounded. I feel supported and ready for whatever comes next.
Even without a cancer diagnosis, life is hard and beautiful. We all have our up moments and our down ones. I hope that you’ll take some time today to appreciate how far you’ve come, how strong you are and what an incredible blessing it is to be alive and get to love each other here on earth.
Happy Solstice, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Thanks for following along with my journey. To support me in my healing, visit for a list of practical ways to help. To make a financial donation, click the button below.