
I know that God will provide…
…how do I budget for that?

One of the worsts things about healing is the expense of it all.

If I didn’t have to think about the cost of things all the time, here’s what I would do:

  • Keep the family in karate.

  • Send the boys to summer camp.

  • Be totally cool with adding a new male teen driver to our insurance instead of actually fine with him procrastinating and taking forever to do the driver’s ed.

  • Hire someone to clean my house.

  • Outsource grocery shopping and meal preparation.

  • Have weekly date nights and family fun days.

    • Outsource the planning of said family fun days.

  • Travel out of state or out of the country for treatment.

  • Take all the supplements.

  • Eat 100% organic.

  • Drink the best water.

  • Explore all the treatment options that may be available in my area… such as:

    • Hyperbaric chamber

    • IV Vitamin C

    • Ozone therapy

    • Sound/Frequency

    • Infrared sauna

    • Charged/Structured water

    • Reiki/Energy healing

    • Emotion Code/Body Code/Belief Code

  • Work 1:1 with a nutritionist, herbalist or holistic wellness coach.

  • Seek out and work with doctors, integrative oncologists, biologic/holistic dentists or other “alternative” practitioners that don’t take insurance.

  • Hire help with my business… like:

    • Marketing/Social Media

    • Copywriting

    • Automation/Funnels

    • Video editing

    • Holistic business coaching

    • Speaking agent/agency

Would I do all of those things? Maybe or maybe not. At least with a larger pool of resources I would have options.

All of them are investments. And if they work, of course they’re worth it. The problem is that I don’t know what’s going to work until I know it’s actually working. With the exception of the family and household support, like the kids’ summer camp or a house cleaning service, it is expensive to experiment.

Not only does healing cost a lot of money, it takes a lot of time and energy.

The way I think about money, though, is that it’s an infinite resource. The problem is that I haven’t had a ton of luck tapping into the source in a way that’s sustainable, predictable and abundant. God has provided for us, and I trust He will again, even though some days that trust is hard to find.

I’ve made a lot of money mistakes. Like a LOT of money mistakes. I was really prioritizing improving my money situation and mindset this year when we were hit with this cancer diagnosis.

Now my resources— of time, energy and money— are even more precious. I don’t want to do this “wrong.” I’m doing my best to prioritize, research and receive the gifts I’m offered so that when I do invest money, time or energy, I can expect a return. It’s exciting on some days, exhausting on others.

There’s part of me that’s also curious whether the diagnosis and healing to follow is part of our financial growth, an opportunity to be more effective in the financial realm. Growth always comes with challenge, so bring it on, I guess?

I don’t like asking for money. Selling doesn’t come naturally to me. I have been on the receiving end of so much generosity already, and I still worry about cash flow every day.

Even if I did go the conventional burn-it-all-down-with-toxic-drugs route, insurance only covers so much. Either way, cancer is expensive. If I do end up choosing chemo in the future for some reason, I’m not going to stop taking a holistic and integrative approach to my healing. Which means it’s always going to be expensive. The conventional route won’t solve the money problem.

The intention of this post is not to ask for money or share my GoFundMe page (which I don’t even have). It’s intended for me to process and document and pull back the curtain on one of the many difficult realities of healing from cancer.

That being said, this is the part of the post where I ask for money.

If you have the means and the heart to send a financial gift of any amount, here’s my Venmo.

The best thing you can do in this area, though, is to support my business. I love the work that I do, and I’d love for you to experience a session with me because it’s incredibly powerful and life-changing. I love the parenting community I’m building at Raising Grownups. The conversations we’re having there and the potential it has to grow into a significant source of revenue as I serve more families is so inspiring to me right now! Even if you don’t think the content would be relevant to you, personally, becoming a premium member helps a lot. And you never know, there might just be a golden nugget or two there for you after all.

