
Things were looking up.

Even though the job I thought I’d be starting earlier this month fell through, I took some steps to take control of my budget, landed a significant paid emcee gig and accepted a sales position with the potential to both dig us out of debt and fund karate.

It often happens that when we prepare to break through to a new level in life, life challenges our resolve to make sure we’re really ready for it.

Sometimes things have to get worse before they get better.

This is shared in some of the cancer material I’ve been absorbing. If a scan shows cancer spreading, it’s not necessarily a signal that treatment isn’t working. Sometimes, the body has to resolve other issues before it has the ability to heal the big one. Detoxification can look a lot like illness.

Sometimes, the breakthrough comes from the breakdown.

On Saturday, my husband’s check engine light came on in his 2015 Ford Fusion. He took it to get the code read, and it’s the transmission.

Cue the reprise of the money worries. Transmission work ain’t cheap.

We adjusted to using only my van this week until we could get a professional opinion. I missed a couple of networking events this week because of it, and it wasn’t a super big deal.

Yesterday, I was on my way to pick James up from work, and he called to tell me he had a ride, so not to worry about it. I headed over to Walgreens to pick up his prescription instead.

As I pulled out of the parking spot to head home— BAM!

Another car backed right into mine.

No one was hurt, though we were all a little shaken. The damage is minor, but it does need to be fixed.

Cue the extra stress about insurance claims, another repair and driving logistics.

The enemy pursues me, he crushes me to the ground; he makes me dwell in the darkness like those long dead.
— Psalms 143:3

There is no doubt in my mind that there are forces in the world working against us. Especially when we’re on the cusp of leveling up. When we recommit to our mission, passion or faith in Jesus.

The devil said, “A cancer diagnosis only drew her closer to God, let’s see what else we can do?”

Hit the bank accounts.
Hit the marriage.
Hit the business.
Hit the vehicles.

Not today, Satan.

I can see right through it.

Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.
— Ephesians 6:11

Cancer has already taught me so much about my own strength, the strength of my relationships and the self-destructive choices I hadn’t seen before. A business pivot, communication issues and some car damage isn’t about to take me down.

I’m healing cancer.

With God in my corner, the rest has no chance.

What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?
— Romans 8:31

The Ford’s transmission will take 2-3 weeks for a part and cost us around $6000.

Yup. That sucks. Feel free to make a donation to the cause.

In karate, the instructors ask, “What do we say to challenges?”
We say, “Bring it on!”

I will be glad when these trials are over.

In the meantime, I know that it’s all figure-out-able, and we’re doing just that.

Like I said, I’m on the verge of a breakthrough. Not just with money, but with my business and mission as well as in my personal live and relationships. I know that this is part of my elevation.

BIG things are on the horizon. Big. Things.

I am in the process of becoming who I need to become to create them.

Inside every challenge is an opportunity. Bring it on.

Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life.
— Psalms 143:8

Thank you for following along. To support me on my healing journey, visit saradeacon.com/support for a list of practical ways to help. To make a financial donation, click the button below.

