Song of the Body

It seems like all of social media and the gurus of the Internet are singing their own variation of the same tune. You are loved. You are worthy. You are valuable. Be kind to yourself. Give yourself grace. Slow down. Love yourself. Be intentional about your self-care. Practice mindfulness. Be still. We’re all singing this song because most of us can’t manage to find our way out of high gear on our own. And all the beautiful quotes and encouraging posts in our feeds can’t snap us out of the scroll for long, either. These are lessons we must learn viscerally, in our bodies themselves.

Last week, I did some deep soul work. It just so happened that I also received a massage around the same time. Now, when I thought about getting myself a massage, it seemed so selfish, so superficial. I’m a fairly relaxed person already, why spend the extra time and money just to relax in a different way? I booked it anyway, though, and I think this particular massage may have changed everything.

Now before your thoughts go to the gutter, let me say that this was a very upscale establishment with a massage therapist that I know personally and trust entirely. But because I was in a rather raw emotional state, the physical experience of receiving the therapeutic massage was also one of the most profound spiritual experiences I’ve had in awhile.

I tell clients, friends and acquaintances all the time about the importance of self-care. I echo what all the awakened Internet people are promoting. Mindfulness, meditation, presence, intentional actions, prioritizing self-care, appreciating yourself for exactly who you are in this now moment. At the same time, I’m not sure how well I’ve practiced all that I preach. I have boundaries around my time. I have regular habits to make myself a priority so that I can take better care of my family. I’ve adjusted my own attitudes, expectations and actions to make the most of my time here on Earth. And I also often fall short. I work on the weekends. I often give in to my kids’ requests for more screen time so I can finish something I’m immersed in. I say no more than I’d like and yes to more than I might reasonably accomplish. I am a work in progress. Just like you.

I also know the power of slowing down and listening to my body, heart and soul. I know that I feel more anxious when I don’t meditate or don’t do my morning yoga practice. I know that when I eat like crap, my body reacts by feeling like crap. I know that withholding love leaves me feeling lonely, sad and unloved. And I know that each of my choices has consequences. I could even predict them if I paid a little bit of attention.

It was in an effort to practice some radical self-care that I went and got that massage. And as my body was receiving the most magnificent loving attention, my mind went to a number of different places. I had turned off my cell phone entirely, so I was freaking out about whether someone might be trying to reach me. Kids. Husband. Schools. Parents. Turning off the phone can be a very unsettling experience.

What those thoughts told me as they slowly worked their way through my brain and melted through the muscles of my body was that I am more attached to worldly things than I like to admit. This tells me that my mindfulness practices might need to extend more deeply into my own use of technology and possibly my family’s, too. I’m proud of the improvement I’ve seen in this area, and I still have a ways to go.

I mentioned that I had spent some time in something of an emotional upheaval, and I’ll share more about the specifics of that another time. Because of this, I knew I needed to adjust a certain belief. I’ve been working on shifting beliefs for a while now, and I often find it more difficult to work with my own limiting beliefs than to help others through theirs. In doing my work, I identified the areas in my energy bodies where the belief was lodged, but I still wasn’t quite sure how to loosen or undo it. And if you have no clue what I’m even talking about at this point, that’s totally fine, because I barely understand it, either. I’m pretty new to this kind of energy work, myself.

As I received this miraculous massage, my mind wandered. When it did, I tried to gently bring it back to the present enjoyment of the relaxing experience. I wanted to allow my body to release whatever tension it held. And it held some tension, for sure. What I began to feel in my skin, muscles, tissues and bones was how truly incredible this body is. Yes, the body is amazing. It has features, functions and capabilities that no man-made machine can replicate. It has powers beyond our current understanding of it. We know all this on an intellectual level.

What I felt there on the massage table was a profound understanding of love from my Creator. I felt like the most precious creature that ever walked the earth. As the oil soaked into my skin and my therapist's hands rolled over my limbs, I received without guilt. I let my stories of unworthiness go. I received love. Through her hands, I received the love of my Heavenly Father. I woke up to new levels of knowledge about my true value. I received a deep sense of my pricelessness in the eyes of God. 

So what do I do now, with this new profound appreciation for myself, this glimpse of divine connection and powerful love?

I share it. I want to tell you that if you are neglecting your physical body, your emotional, mental and spiritual bodies are also being neglected. They are all connected. If you’re spending time in prayer, but not in motion, you’re missing part of the experience. If you’re expressing your emotions but not working them out through the body, you are holding onto more than you realize. If you’re thinking more than you’re moving, you’re still far from realizing your full potential. The physical body is where the other energetic bodies reside. The physical body gives access to the rest of our being. Or blocks it.

The truth is that you are sacred. You are holy. You are worthy and inspired. You are loved. You are known. You are valued. You are priceless beyond measure. All of you. Your body, mind, heart and spirit. If you can learn to properly care for your body, give it the love and attention it truly deserves, you’ll unlock more of the rest. 

What steps could you take to show appreciation for your physical form? If that’s not something you’re used to doing, maybe just give your body some deep, cleansing breaths. Maybe take it for a walk in the sunshine. Maybe dance or try some yoga, lift a weight or drink an extra glass of water. How you treat your body matters. How you treat your body impacts your mind, your heart and your soul. So treat it well. Make good choices and notice the difference it makes for you.

Full-body coaching is available in my Wandering Sessions for a more integrated coaching experience.

Creative Intelligence

Keys to Confidence